A POLICE boss today claimed raising council tax by 4.99 per cent was a "sensible decision".

Coun Malcolm Doherty, chairman of the Lancashire Police Authority, said research had shown that residents in the county were happy to pay up to 15 per cent more.

But Coun Doherty said police authority members had voted for the 4.99 per cent rise because the government would cap any rises over five per cent.

He said: "After much careful consideration, we have made a number of efficiency savings and a contribution of £729,000 from general balances in order to produce a budget that allows for some growth and, most importantly to the people living and working in the county, no reduction in the numbers of police officers."

The budget for policing in the county for the financial year 2006/7 has been set at £239.533million. Room has been set aside to pay for the recruitment of 114 extra police community support officers.

The rise of 4.99 per cent means Band D householders will pay £113.09 annually to the force, an extra £5.37.