A GROUP of Conservative MPs have branded the proposed merger of Lancashire and Cumbria police as "very dangerous".

And the 25-strong group of MPs, who are considered to the right of the party, are urging Tory leader David Cameron to step up his opposition to the plans for mergers in the North West, North East, West MIdlands and Wales.

Owen Paterson MP, who has written a report on the topic for the Cornerstone group, said: "The Home Secretary's plans represent a giant step in the direction of central control.

His regional superforces will inevitably become immeasurably more remote from the needs of the communities they are intended to serve.

"To anyone familiar with the realities of day-to-day policing, these proposals must inevitably seem a very dangerous step indeed.

"It is clear that the Home Secretary's plans are arousing almost universal hostility. It is barely credible that a reform of this magnitude could be contemplated without proper parliamentary debate and legislation.

"Any fundamental changes to the policing of England and Wales should only take place following a series of local referendums."

The group believes that the government has a "hidden agenda" and claims that the proposed creation of regional forces aims "to whip up support for their moribund plans for elected regional assemblies".