A COUPLE have told of their horror after their cat was found strangled.

Catherine Buck and John Sempers, of Norris Street, Darwen, discovered four-year-old tortoise shell Harley dead in their back garden with a plastic garden cord tied tightly around her neck.

Animal welfare experts believe such acts of violence against pets are used as a way of sending a threat to the owners.

But today John, 27, and Catherine, 25, said they could think of no one who held a grudge against them.

They let Harley, who they had owned for two years, out early on Saturday morning. The next time they saw her she was in the evening, dead in their garden.

The couple called the police, who passed the investigation on to the RSPCA.

Catherine said: "We are very upset about what has happened. It is so cruel to do something like that.

"She was a really mischievous cat and we will miss her.

"It has really shaken us up."

John added: "We don't know why anyone would want to target us.

"If there is anyone who has information about what happened we would ask them to get in touch with the RSPCA."

Heather Holmes, a spokesman for the RSPCA, said: "These are very frightening incidents when you consider someone has inflicted as much pain and suffering on the animal as you can.

"We would urge people who have concerns about letting their animals out as a result not to put them out at night or to only put them out for short periods.

"If you are going out then perhaps do not put them out at all.

"These kinds of incidents are rare. Mostly we deal with people who have neglected their pets."