A TERMINALLY-ILL mother is inspiring others with a message of hope after becoming the face of East Lancashire Hospice's new website.

Mother-of-four Marion Motupalli's fight for life has been dubbed "bravery beyond comprehension" after she shocked doctors by surviving past last Christmas to be with her family.

She has been told three times that she has just 48 hours to live but each time the news has made her stronger, as she explains in the 10-minute dear diary' clip.

With the help of Blackburn College, the footage, aimed at helping newly-diagnosed cancer patients, will soon be available via the hospice's new-look website.

The first edited cut, which has not received the final touches from media staff at the college, is being presented to hospice bosses this week for approval.

Marion's plight began last year when a tumour the size of a rugby ball was found on her ovaries.

Operations to remove parts of it meant her womb, ovaries, sections of her intestine and her bowel were removed.

She has recently received more chemo-therapy to help temporarily extend her life, after being told the tumour, which has wrapped itself around major arteries, can never be fully removed.

Marion, of The Dene, Beardwood, Blackburn, where she lives with her husband, Murthy, an Accrington GP, has been an inspiration to others, living by the motto: "If you can't fill your life with more days, fill your days with more life."

She keeps a note containing the phrase stuck to her fridge.

The DVD shows Marion sitting in a chair in front of a blue background as she talks the viewer through her journey from the first day she was diagnosed.

The scenes show Marion fight back the tears at one point as she talks about her youngest son Harry, three.

Marion praises the hospice, in Park Lee Road, Blackburn, referring to it as a five-star hotel with beautiful bed linen, carpets, food and staff.

She says in the DVD: "There is something special about the nurses at the hospice. They sat with me for hours. Volunteers gave me a manicure and massage.

"They offered me a gin and tonic and they made such a fuss of Harry.

"I want to be there when I'm poorly. It is so calm. After three months of pain I was in the hospice for 24 hours and I was pain-free.

"That place is instrum-ental to me getting better, for now."

Her closing words on the DVD which aim to inspire others to be strong are: "I will outlive you all. I will show you."

Harry Grayson, fund-raiser at the hospice said: "Marion is a truly remarkable lady. She is strong-willed with a very positive mind and fighting spirit. This DVD is fantastic and it is both emotional and amusing.

"Her moving tale will surely help many people."