AN annual disabled sports day is under threat after the organisers said dwindling numbers could see this year's event cancelled.

The competition is organised and financed each year by the Accrington Rotary Club and last year a team selected to represent the town, based on their performances, finished second in the national disabled games in Coventry.

Organiser Jacquie Hide said the sports day had suffered from decreasing numbers in the past two years and she was determined to buck that trend.

She said: "I am issuing a challenge to all local physically disabled people to register and take part.

"If it is not supported it will die out and that would be a real shame."

Mrs Hide said it was a fun event and anyone can take part, no matter what their ability.

It takes place at Hyndburn Sports Centre on June 10 and competitors can have a go at sports including wheelchair basketball, archery, table tennis, swimming, indoor bowls and shooting.

She added: "This is one of the only events of its kind in the area and it would be a real shame if it was to be lost because of a lack of interest.

"Last year we only had 35 people taking part and ideally it should be double that.

"If we do not have at least 35 people registered to take part by the end of March then we will cancel the event because it is just not worth going ahead with it.

"People don't have to be Olympic standard, it's all about coming and having a good time."

There are no geographical restrict-ions on competitors. In the past people from Southport and Man-chester have competed.

Anyone who wishes to take part in the event can contact Mrs Hide on 01254 234284 for an application form.

People of any age can take part and there will be junior and senior events if numbers allow.