NO further action will be taken in the police investigation into the death of a 21-year-old Darwen man who was killed in a road accident.

Anthony Wastell, 21, of Allerton Close, Darwen, died when his Piaggio Vespa scooter collided with a milk van on January 6 in Marsh House Lane Darwen.

Officers from the road policing unit today said they were satisfied with their investigation and no charges would be brought against the driver of the milk float, Lincoln James Garth, of Roman Road.

Anthony, a glass designer who worked for plastics firm GAP at Shadsworth industrial estate, is the third person to lose his life on the steep stretch of road, and last February, a motorcyclist received serious leg injuries after colliding with a car on the road.

His girlfriend, Sonia Foster-Duffin, 19, and her family said that once they have come to terms with Anthony's death they want to campaign to make the road safer