A 24-YEAR-OLD man who molested a little girl he had befriended was today starting a three-year jail term.

Ralph Stokes had stripped naked in front of the seven-year-old, got the child to undress, had committed a sex act on her then gave her cash and told her not to tell anybody, Burnley Crown Court heard.

The court was told the victim had suffered emotional and sleep disturbance after the Stokes' behaviour and had become unsettled. Stokes remained in denial.

Sentencing, Judge Barbara Watson told the defendant, who had broken down when he came into the dock: "This was a little girl who liked you. She enjoyed being with you and she undoubtedly trusted you."

Judge Watson went on: "Whether the effects on the little girl come from the offences themselves or her appearance in the crown court or a combination of the two, matters not because it represents the impact of all of this on this very young girl."

The defendant, formerly of Barnoldswick, but now of Henry Street, Nelson, had been convicted after a trial of two sex offences, committed last July. He had pleaded not guilty to the allegations.

He was also placed on the Sex Offenders' Register indefinitely, was banned from working with children and was made the subject of a Sex Offences Prevention Order which prohibits unsupervised contact with youngsters in his home.

Elizabeth Nicholls, defending, told the court Stokes, who had "limitations" had not been in trouble before, was normally law-abiding and was anxious and eager to resume that status.

Miss Nicholls said the defendant had received a great deal of punishment by the time he had spent on remand.

The barrister added: "Without belittling the offences, they are not the most serious of offences. The defendant is very traumatised and frightened. He doesn't want any contact with children without anybody else being there."