TRAVELLING thieves are set to be stopped in their tracks after police in Rossendale placed a Ring of Steel' around the Valley.

Police chiefs in Rossendale are using a variety of crime-busting measures to keep criminals out of the area. The operation, in liaison with Greater Manchester Police, is aimed at preventing robbery and catching criminals.

It follows a string of violent robberies in Rossendale over recent months in which security vans and top-of-the-range cars were targeted by crooks thought to be travelling from Manchester.

As part of the operation, extra uniformed and plain-clothed police will be on patrol, including specialist officers from the motorway road policing and dog units. Police will be using the high-tech Automatic Number Plate Recognition System (ANPR) on key roads, including those bordering Greater Manchester and setting up police check points.

ANPR is used by police to 'read' the registration numbers of passing cars and check them against various databases.

Police will also be following high value vehicles and Securicor vans and using mobile CCTV units to gather evidence.

Chief inspector Richard Debicki, who is leading the investigation, said: "The purpose of this operation is to prevent crime so members of the community shouldn't feel alarmed by any extra police presence. They should, in fact, be reassured.

"We are placing a 'ring of steel' around Rossendale to protect our communities. We are trying to be open about this because people will be curious about the road checks.

"We are tackling it really robustly and will be overtly and covertly following Securicor vans to provide support to staff and which can be intelligence led or random."

Sergeant Mark Baines, of Pennine Division's armed response unit, said: "We don't want to scare people but motorists will be stopped and warned about what's been happening and given crime prevention advice. People have nothing to fear if they are law abiding."

Since November 18 last year there has been seven serious incidents including a robbery at Lloyds TSB in Haslingden where two masked offenders made off with cash.

On January 10 there was a robbery at the Late Shop in Whitworth where two masked raiders again made off with cash. Five days later three masked offenders struck at a house in Rawtenstall and stole an Audi. The day after two armed men attacked the owner of an Audi in Helmshore.

On January 25 three masked men attacked Securicor guards filling a cash machine at the Abbey Bank in Haslingden, but fled empty handed.

On February 1 thieves stole a BMW from Haslingden and eight days later a robbery happened at BP Service Station in Waterfoot. Two armed masked raiders attacked Securicor staff.

Police said a number of arrests had been made but continued in their appeal for witnesses. Anyone with information should contact police on 01282 425001 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.