A LUCRATIVE credit card fraud was uncovered when stolen details were used to pay off a fine at Blackburn Magistrates Court.

A 22-year-old man appeared before the same court and admitted his part in the fraud, which also included hiring hotel rooms for secret liaisons with his girlfriend.

But the court was told the shop worker responsible for stealing the details was still at large and the police do not know who he is.

Waqqas Malik, of Pringle Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to three charges of securing remission of liability and 12 of obtaining property by deception.

He was ordered to do 200 hours community punishment and pay £1,735 compensation and £60 costs.

Judith Balderson, prosecuting, said the offences were committed during August and September using credit card details which belonged to a Mr Makin and a Mr Warren. The cards were used to pay off water rates for Malik's mother and his sister and pay fines relating to his father.

The deception charges related to the purchase of car parts for his father's car, placing an advert in North West Autotrader and the room hire at the Bear Hotel, Lower Darwen.