PUPILS at two Accrington schools are set to benefit thanks to a new "creative technology" scheme.

The project will see youngsters learning to use everyday pieces of modern technology like digital cameras and camera mobile phones for artistic purposes.

At Peel Park Primary, Alice Street, the scheme is already up and running and in the next few weeks it will begin at Green Howarth Primary, School House Lane, when four independent artists arrive.

The "new media art" project has been funded by Creative Partnerships, which is part of the Arts Council, and is being run by Folly, a Lancashire-based media arts organisation.

David Stamp, from Folly, said: "The project is about using normal pieces of modern technology and being artistic with them.

"Most people would not think to be artistic with their mobile phones and even their digital cameras. We are going into schools and getting the pupils to create their own projects with everyday items.

"We are trying to make learning engaging and relevant for the 21st Century.

"This is the first major project of its type in East Lancashire and the first time we have been able to work at this level with regional schools in Lancashire."

The scheme runs for the whole of the spring term in both schools, which have been chosen because of their past close links with Creative Partnerships.

The project is funded by Creative Partnerships, which works across the boroughs of Hyndburn, Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale to enable pupils and teachers to develop through creativity.

It is hoped that if the work proves successful the scheme could be rolled out into the other boroughs in the near future.