A JOINER who was knocked unconscious after two thugs set upon him in a pub today branded his attackers "cowards".

The 19-year-old man had one tooth knocked out and two others chipped as well as sustaining cuts and bruises following the assault in the Brown Cow, Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn.

He was having a drink in his local when he noticed the two men staring at him at around 11.30pm on Sunday.

The joiner, who is too fearful of reprisals to be named, said: "I tried to diffuse the situation so I said all right' to them.

"But they just said no'. They said something else to me, but their words were slurred and I didn't understand them.

"The first one attacked me and I was struggling with him and I tried to defend myself.

"Then his friend came around and they dragged me outside. They kicked and punched me in the head and I was knocked unconscious."

The next thing the man remembers is being sat down and handed a towel to clean up his face.

He was taken to Blackburn Royal Infirmary but discharged after doctors found no broken bones.

The joiner added: "It has made me think twice about going for a drink at night. I think it is pretty cowardly that it took two of them."

Landlord Damien Brook said the main assault occurred outside the pub and added: "I called the ambulance and helped with first aid. I will not tolerate this kind of thing."

Inspector Claire Holbrook said: "Violent attacks like this in public houses are not common. We ask anyone with information who was in the pub or saw the men leave the scene come forward."

The main attacker was 6ft 3in, muscular and wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. It is believed they drove off in a blue MG car.

Call Blackburn police on 01254 51212 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 quoting log number EA1944/06 with information.