A WEEKEND shop raider has had his curfew removed by an appeal court.

Long-time substance abuser and "former prolific burglar" John Crabtree, 36, had been given the order after breaking into and ransacking Oddies Bakery, on St James Street, Burnley, last October.

His barrister had told the court the appellant suffered profound ill health because of his substance habit and often had to go to hospital.

Alex Leach told Burnley Crown Court: "In the past he has had the experience of admitting himself to Burnley General Hospital and woken up handcuffed to his bed after police have realised he is no longer abiding by his curfew and turned up at hospital."

Crabtree, given the six month 9pm to 7am curfew as part of a 12 month community order, had it removed by Judge Barbara Watson.

The judge, sitting with two justices, told Crabtree: "We are quite clear that the addition of the curfew adds nothing and is unnecessary in terms of protection of the public or in terms of assisting him not to reoffend."

Crabtree, of Brownhill Avenue, Burnley, had earlier admitted burglary at the lower court. The appellant, who had 48 previous convictions, 12 of them for burglary, had asked for an offence to be considered.