OFF-LICENCES in Burnley have been put to the test by police on the lookout for premises selling booze to underage youths.

The latest Test Purchasing operation took place on Friday evening with shops in the Trinity area being the primary target owing to the ward's involvement in Operation Hot Spot, a crackdown on crime and grime.

And all the shops and off-licences visited by the teenage test purchaser refused to sell alcohol to youths winning praise from local Police Officers.

However, police were not so impressed with one or two of the customers in the shops who they suspect may be buying alcohol on behalf of young people - a criminal offence.

Community Beat Manager PC Janet Eaves led the exercise along with PCSOs Dave Johnson and Andy Jackson and the young test purchaser.

She said: "Our efforts to combat the sale of alcohol to underage youths appears to be paying off. Not one of the off-licences we visited sold alcohol to our teenage test purchaser which is excellent news. The shops and off-licences are clearly taking our advice on board and are to be commended for sticking to the law.

"However, I am very concerned by the attitude of some of the adults we saw in the shops, one of whom was reported on suspicion of buying alcohol for a minor.

"Adults may think they are doing youths a favour by buying alcohol on their behalf but in fact, they are committing a serious offence. Not only do they risk a Fixed Penalty Notice for Disorder, but they also risk seriously damaging the health of youngsters.

"I've personally had to take young people home or to hospital because of excess alcohol consumption, so buying booze for kids is doing them no favours whatsoever."

She added: "These adults need to understand the consequences of their actions. They need to realise that, by buying alcohol for underage youths, they are contributing significantly to anti-social behaviour and criminal damage, and that is something that won't be tolerated."

She concluded: "Our campaign to clamp down on underage drinking will continue. WI would urge anyone with information about underage sales to come forward. Where this clear evidence of offences, we will take action."