STAFF and students from Accrington and Rossendale College are getting their hands dirty to improve a neglected park.

The college's horticultural department has teamed up with Hyndburn Council's parks department to revamp Haworth Park, around the Haworth Art Gallery. Work will include improving footpaths, removing dead trees, planting, pruning and revamping the flower beds.

The aim is to make the park more attractive, and students on the college's full-time horticulture course will also benefit from the practical experience the work will give them. The park is used frequently for wedding pictures and the gallery has just become a wedding venue.

Alan Henderson, a horticulture tutor from the college, told a meeting of Baxenden Area Council that they had jumped at the chance to work with the council on the project.

He said: "The park seems to be under-used at the moment and the idea behind the work we are doing is to make it more inviting and more secure. It has not had much work done to it over the last few years.

"The project is a good training exercise for my students, it is good for Hyndburn Council that we are working with their parks staff and it is good for the community that we are making the park more user- friendly."

Mr Henderson said that there were plans to turn an old stable, which is currently being used for storage, into a classroom for the students. The building would also be used for community projects and working with the local schools.

Coun John Griffiths revealed that there were plans to get local residents involved by starting a Friends of Haworth Park group.

He said: "The idea would be that the friends group would oversee what happens at the park so that local people get what they want."