TWO youths from the Trinity area of Burnley have been given Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs) by the police and council as part of an ongoing drive to reduce crime and grime in the area.

The teenagers were given the contracts between them, their parents and the police as a result of activity taking place under Operation Hotspot, a blitz on litter and nuisance across the town.

PC Adam Gordon said: "As part of Operation Hotspot the Police are working very closely with the council's anti-social behaviour team to drive down rowdy and irresponsible behaviour.

"Whilst the majority of the youths are very well behaved a small minority of youths are causing problems which is why we're taking out ABCs.

"All being well, the youths will abide by the contracts but if not, we won't hesitate to take further action.

"People tell us they are fed up with a small minority of people spoiling things for residents, so together with the council and with a whole host of other agencies operating in Trinity, we are taking firm action."

Neighbourhood area worker Allison Kay Porter said: "It's week five of Operation Hot Spot, the Community Safety Partnership's campaign to rid local communities of grime and crime.

"The campaign is going very well so far with a number of major clean ups completed, several drugs warrants executed and a raft of other work done by agencies including Calico, Sure Start, the Youth Inclusion Programme, and Youth and Community Services.

"Hopefully the people in the Trinity area will be starting to notice a real difference to their area."