A sleeping pill addict attacked his mother then armed himself with petrol and threatened to torch their house.

Mirza Hanif, 22, had been under the influence of tablets at the family home in Elizabeth Street, Nelson, Burnley Crown Court heard.

He later told police he did threaten to burn the house down but claimed it was a joke.

The defendant admitted threats to damage property and assault.

He was given 12 weeks in prison, suspended for a year.

He was also given 12 months supervision and must attend the Addressing Substance Related Offending programme.

Hanif had been committed for sentence by Burnley magistrates.

Ken Hind, prosecuting, told the court that after striking his mother, Hanif got a petrol can and told his family: "I am going to kill you all tonight.

"If I go to prison I am only going to get 25 years which is not going to bother me."

Charles Brown, defending, said Hanif's family was supportive of him and wanted him home at Elizabeth Street.

The defendant could not complain if he was sent to custody.