THE FAMILY of little angel' Levi Bleasdale said today they would never forgive the driver of the car which killed her after he was sent to prison for just 12 weeks.

Mohammed Aqueel Hussain, 26, was jailed for failing to stop at the scene of an accident and failing to report an accident.

He also admitted careless driving - an offence not punishable by prison.

Levi's family said outside court they were disgusted with the sentence and called for a change in the law.

Burnley magistrates heard Hussain, 26, of Thurston Street, Burnley, was driving a stolen VW Golf with no licence and no insurance when the car knocked down and killed Levi Bleasdale as she crossed Ormerod Road in the town.

Stephen Parker, prosecuting told the court Hussain had only a provisional driving licence and had had no driving lessons for almost ten years.

But he said despite the tragic nature of the case magistrates could not impose a prison sentence for the careless driving charge.

Three-year-old Levi died after an accident close to Burnley College, on September 9 when she was struck by Hussain's Volkswagen Golf.

Her mum Kirsty Ryan, 21, was pushing her five-month-old daughter Brogan in a pram in front of the toddler when the collision took place.

Levi, described as a "little angel", was taken to Burnley General Hospital then the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, where her life support machine was switched off. Hundreds of people packed St Leonard's Church, Padiham, for her funeral.

Witnesses described seeing a black VW Golf driving at speed in Church Street before it turned into Ormerod Road and one witness said Hussain was driving erratically.' The court heard after the crash Hussain panicked and drove off before abandoning the Golf at home and taking his sister's car to Colne where he hid in a hotel for several days before surrendering to police.

Rachel Adamson, defending, said he deeply regretted the accident and wanted to show his remorse. She said he had told police he would never drive again.

She said: "This is one of the most tragic cases that could come before the court and nothing will ever make up to the family for what has happened. Mr Hussain is desperate to show his remorse.

"He said when he handed himself in that he will never be able to forgive himself but that one day hopes Levi's family will be able to forgive him. He says he prays for Levi and her family every day."

Cath Ryan, Levi's grandmother, said after the case: "This sentence is absolutely disgusting.

"We have lost Levi and he has been given a 12-week sentence.

"It is scandalous and the law should be changed. We will never forgive him."

Hussain, who was recalled to prison after the crash to serve the remainder of a five-year sentence for wounding given in 2001, admitted driving without due care and attention, failing to stop at the scene of an accident, having no licence and no insurance and handling stolen goods.

He was sentenced to four weeks for the handling charge, 12 weeks each for the fail to stop and fail to report, to run concurrently, and given no separate penalty for the other charges.

He was banned from driving for five years.