IN reply to Mr Pratt (LET, January 20) I still stand by my original letter. I am not saying it is a "sad, sad life my dear" I am simply saying adolescents aged 16-19 are totally underestimated and should not be thought of as weekend binge drinkers, although there are the usual idiots who don't know how to say no, after one too many.

But why should all us "till monkeys" be tarred with the same brush? However, higher education now offers a better quality of life and a more promising future for today's young public. I do not agree when you say "it doesn't get any better." I am very proud to be 18 and British, with all the opportunities at my feet, I can go in whichever direction I wish and get the support I need.

Another point raised is how independent and successful the individual is in today's society.

Reading between the lines, Mr Pratt may have a well known syndrome called "stuck in his times".

I understand that 50 years ago opportunities were not available as they are today. However, you must understand it has all changed and the young today have choices which were not available 50 years ago.

Thank you for verifying my original observation.

KATHRYN GRAHAM, Countess Road, Lower Darwen.