A PIONEERING scheme aimed at ensuring residents in Burnley behave themselves has won recognition.

Police have praised the Good Tenants Scheme after the 1,000th member signed up to the initiative.

The project was launched last year to make sure tenants living in rented properties did not have a history of anti-social behaviour.

Under the scheme, would-be tenants undergo reference checks by the police, housing benefit department, anti-social behaviour department and landlords.

If references are acceptable, accreditation is awarded and the applicant receives a membership pass or "GTS Passport" allowing them to move into a vacant property.

Sergeant Martin Sellway said: "In the past, we have had to deal with tremendous problems brought on by troublesome tenants, including complaints about criminal activity and anti-social behaviour.

"The Good Tenant Scheme has made a real difference.

"It provides a powerful incentive to be a good neighbour and a disincentive for those who commit serious anti-social acts including assaults, public order offences and drug dealing."

For further information telephone 01282 459873 or visit the website www.goodtenants.org