A GAMBLING addict who frittered away several hundred pounds in one day went on to stage a robbery at a Blackburn amusement arcade.

Adam Howe grabbed over £100 cash which also ended up being spent in the same fashion.

He had resorted to crime after spending time in the Winners arcade.

And the ordeal had left his victim suffering bad dreams, fearful of going out and breaking down in tears for no reason.

Howe, 24, of Water Street, Oswaldtwistle, was given 32 months prison when he appeared for sentence at Preston Crown Court. He had pleaded guilty to a charge of robbery.

David Macro, prosecuting, said it was October last year when Howe spent a couple of hours in the amusement arcade, playing the machines.

During that time, a woman employee chatted with him and even made him a drink.

Around teatime the defendant left, but returned just over an hour later.

When the woman worker was placing something in a cabinet, Howe banged into her with his shoulder. This caused an injury to her wrist.

The defendant then made off with over £100 cash. Howe went on to tell police the offence had arisen on the spur of the moment.

He explained that he had needed to replace £350 he had spent on gambling that day.

He spoke of there being around £140 in the tub which he stole and he had also spent that on gambling.

Howe said he had accidentally collided with the woman and expressed some remorse and regret that she had been injured.

Simon Newell, defending, said it was not a case of Howe being arrested by police.

He had volunteered himself at the police station because he realised what he had done was wrong.

"It was a spontaneous rather than a planned and premeditated offence. He had been in the arcade for two to three hours and was a regular there. He has a gambling addiction problem."