Things are indeed getting stranger by the day. I haven't been so confused since they changed the colour of the cheese and onion crisp bags. One minute they were green and then all of a sudden they were blue.

Today, just like yesterday and the day before that, we are being told not to be offensive.

Being offensive is the biggest crime in the world these days.

For those who don't know anything about what is deemed offensive and what isn't, the world has become a very difficult place to live in.

I don't watch soaps but I know plenty of hard-working folk who do and recently one soap was cleared by a watchdog for using a term that had obvious racist overtones.

For instance living like poor white trash' is deemed not to be offensive as it can also be used in context to describe a low socio-economic group.

This is where the whole thing falls apart.

If something is offensive why don't government organisations just come forward and simply say it is?

If I was white I would find that term offensive and I'm not that easily offended these days.

I used to get offended at everything.

If no-one passed to me on the football pitch I thought they were all racist but then I learned they couldn't be because they were all the same race as me.

Mayor Ken Livingstone was trying to defend himself at a hearing this week after making a nazi jibe' at some journalist.

He likened the journalists behaviour to that of a concentration camp guard. Is that offensive? I don't know what to think.

If I say that is not offensive someone from the organisation might write me a letter and call for my resignation and a full apology because because I didn't understand the full context of the term.

Simple issues are being blown out of proportion.

I don't eat bacon, so if someone puts bacon in front of me accidently I will forgive him. But I won't take the poor chap to court.

Well, I may do because in this day and age it is so much easier to claim against anyone for doing anything.

I understand fully that there are certain things that are deemed offensive and there are no excuses for saying certain things.

But as we lumber into the 21st century with a new set of people to demonise, let us remember that we can all be offended at one thing or another.

And, like smoking, once you start it is is very difficult to stop.