THERE has been precious little good news associated with weaving or anything to do with the textile industry in East Lancashire over the past decade.

Factory closures and redundancies have been announced on a regular basis as competition from overseas, particularly the Far East, decimated the industry which made the county's name famous throughout the world.

Lancashire companies just could not match the low costs available on other continents and many multi-national conglomerates moved production to where it was cheapest.

With that backdrop, the £2.5million investment announced for Herbert Parkinson in Darwen one of our last remaining weaving firms is rare but extremely welcome.

The business has built up a reputation for quality as part of the John Lewis Partnership and its 230 workers are getting orders from firms who want to buy cloth that has been produced in the UK.

The managing director says she hopes the investment will ensure the firm continues successfully for at least another 15 years.

In today's business world that is truly long term and great news for Darwen and East Lancashire.