A BURNLEY joiner was today hailed a hero after rescuing two sisters from their burning home.

Simon McKenna, from John McKenna Joiners, pulled 14-year-old Sarah and eight-year-old Melissa Wright from their bedroom window as smoke engulfed the house in Dale Close, off Pendle Way, Ightenhill.

The 40-year-old said: "I went outside to go to the van and I heard a lot of screaming so I went to the top of the street and I could see people in trouble shouting there was a fire.

"I came back and grabbed some ladders and told some of the lads to come with me.

"Everybody came round with me. I jumped over the fence, put my ladders up and got them out as quick as I could. I didn't really panic, the adrenaline took over."

Stepmum Sharon Gemmell, 37, who works for care group Crossroads Burnley and Pendle, was helping a client with her shopping in Asda when she got the telephone call telling her of the ordeal.

And although she described the incident as "absolutely terrible" she admitted it could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for Simon's quick thinking.

She said: "I got a phone call from my boyfriend Ian saying he's had a phone call about a fire at the house and I came straight home. I can't thank him enough. I can't thank him enough. It's a good job he had his ladders or I don't know what would have happened."

The incident happened shortly after 9am yesterday(Thurs).

Two fire engines from Burnley and one from Padiham attended the fire which started in the living room and caused extensive smoke damage to the house.

Crew manager Dave Robinson added his praise.

He said: "The two kids were at the window and neighbours and friends were shouting and telling them what to do, to make sure blankets were put under the door and to throw mattresses out of the window in case they had to jump out.

"But luckily these men came and helped them out and we would like to pay tribute to them for that."

Fire chiefs were today investigating the cause of the fire.