CATON Community Primary School is to get a much-needed sports hall.

The school held a sod turning' ceremony with Lancashire County Cllr Alan Whittaker to mark the start of work on the project last week Funding has come from the Big Lottery Fund's £750 million New Opportunities for PE and Sport' programme, which is creating new sports facilities for community use across England.

The Caton sports hall will include a badminton court, changing rooms, a kitchen, an office and storage space.

Acting head teacher Angela Procter says: "The school and community are absolutely delighted to be gaining a new sports hall.

"It will enable us to widen the opportunities for gymnastics, dance and athletics in our school and we will also be able to organise inter-school team events.

"Caton school has a long tradition of promoting sport and healthy activities and this new hall will raise standards and increase participation in sport in the local area."