A PREGNANT woman rescued from her blazing home today told how she had been left with nothing apart from the clothes on her back.

Firefighters smashed a bedroom window to rescue five-months pregnant Kirsty West and her partner Adam Woodward from their smoke-filled home on Richmond Street, Burnley.

Kirsty, 20 and Adam, a 23-year-old ex-paratrooper who was injured in Iraq, lost all their possessions in the fire.

They have temporarily moved in with Adam's parents in Grasmere Avenue, Padiham.

The blaze started after Adam had set a heater next to their dog Fido's bed downstairs, as the dog was ill. But the heater set fire to the bedding, and the fire spread to the carpet and settee.

Kirsty, 20, a former West Craven High School pupil, honed 999 on her mobile phone while they were trapped inside her smoke-filled bedroom and thought she was going to die.

She said: "The smoke alarm went off and Adam went to investigate. He came rushing back into the bedroom and we tried to put the duvet around the gap of the door to stop any more smoke coming in.

"I was hanging out of the window trying to get air and it was at that point I really thought I was going to die. The firefighters saved our lives. They smashed the window and got us out of the house. We had to climb down a ladder which was scary."

She added: "It has really affected us, it has been awful for us both. I keep getting flashbacks, can't sleep at night and feel sick all the time because we've lost everything and we've been worried about the baby but I had a scan the other day and everything is fine. The house was rented but we had just done it all up ready for the baby. We bought a lot of new things for the baby and that's all been destroyed.

"We have nothing left apart from the clothes on our backs. We didn't have insurance because we couldn't afford it and now we have nothing."

John Taylor, from Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, said: "Fortunately the couple had a working smoke alarm and survived."

Fido was brought out by firefighters who revived him with oxygen on a cushion in the back yard of the Richmond Street home.

The couple are now appealing for donations to help furnish a new home in Stockbridge Road.

Anybody wanting to help can contact Kirsty on 07888 653977.