YOUR correspondent J Eyre (February 8) talked about trades unionists and homosexuals hogging the Citizen letters page.

I know little about homosexuality, not being one myself, but I do not deny them the right to equality and due respect, including the right to self defence in the press and society generally.

Trade unionists are also grossly misrepresented by those who control capitalist society and benefit from it at the expense of the working class majority. This must change, sooner rather than later.

In the first half of the 20th Century local papers often gave up to half a page for local trade unionists to express their views and publicise vital events. This does not happen today.

Without the sacrifices of trade unionists over the years there would not be universal suffrage, a National health Service, state pensions and education, social security and much more anywhere.

To join a trade union, call or fax 01524-413600

Steve Metcalfe, Lancaster.