ALTHOUGH from a political, administrative and financial point of view Morecambe and Lancaster should be one, they should must remain separate as far as identities and names are concerned.

We all need and want a sense of belonging, and you can't have 1,000 years of history changed by a committee!

I cannot foresee one single person respond to the question Where are you from or where were you born?' by answering Lancaster and Morecambe.' The questioner would look at them and think make your mind up'.

We can, for tourism reasons, always publish leaflets telling people to Visit Lancaster and Morecambe' and so on, but we cannot change our history and heritage for possible monetary gain.

On the transportation front mentioned in the same article - I have questioned local politicians and the Labour MP over the past few years on why there is a maintained and working railway track running to Heysham Port past thousands of residents but they won't build any platforms or put on a service so people can actually catch a train at Heysham.

Isn't it a bit like owning a shop and not letting customers buy anything? It is a very strange business practice, hence 90 per cent of residents have to drive to Lancaster.

Neil Pickup, Heysham.