IT is hard to imagine anything worse for than to lose a child.

And when death comes as the result of a road accident parents and relatives are likely to be tormented by thoughts of what might have been done to stop it happening.

The family of Amy Houston, who died more than two years ago after being hit by a car when she ran into the road, decided throw themselves into campaigning to save others from similar tragedy.

The man whose car hit Amy was a disqualified driver without insurance travelling at between 25 and 40mph. We have been promised a new law, dubbed Amy's Law' in parliament, will create an offence of causing death while driving unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured' to allow greater punishments of those who have an accident when they are wilfully breaking the law by being behind the wheel.

And now traffic calming measures, including speed humps and a 20mph zone, have been imposed on the street where the accident happened.

Amy's grandmother says "hopefully no other children or families will suffer like Amy and we did."

The Houston family deserve gratitude from parents throughout East Lancashire for their positive efforts.