I READ with interest the article on home oxygen supplies (LET February 11), being an oxygen user myself. My first thought on this new idea when I heard it just before Christmas was why? If it isn't broken don't fix it.

I have been on home oxygen for 15 years and the system has worked perfectly well all that time pick up the phone, order your oxygen from your GP and next day the local chemist delivers it. What's wrong with that? Nothing.

I first heard about the new system was when the health authority wrote to me and asked me to sign a form giving it permission to release my details to this company under the Data Protection Act, which I did.

I received another letter the first week in January thanking me for my prompt reply and that I would be getting more details soon informing me how the new system would work after February 1.

I have heard nothing whatsoever.

Good job I am not in dire need of new supplies.

Is this not yet another example of this government tying everything up in red tape.

It's a case of why be awkward when, with a little effort, we can make things ... impossible.

I'll close now as I need to lie down in a darkened room as this shower of a government is driving me round the twist.

JOHN FARRER, Mallard Place, Oswaldtwistle.