YOUNG criminals are using mobile phones to film themselves vandalising cars in a "worrying" new trend.

Sergeant Ian Corbett, of Great Harwood police, said the problem was so bad that officers were getting reports of up to 10 vehicles being attacked every night.

He said: "It has become the new sport at the moment. Kids are using their phones to film the criminal damage they are causing to cars.

"We are getting reports that they are running down the streets knocking off wing mirrors of cars while their mates film it on mobile phones.

"In these cases it is usually damage to wing mirrors but we have also had complaints about youngsters running across the roofs of cars as well."

Sgt Corbett said the main problem in tackling this type of crime was that it was usually committed overnight and there were often no witnesses.

He added: "It is an easy crime to commit and easy to get away with because it only takes a second and that is very worrying."

In the last few days cars in Alexandra Place, Clayton Street and North View in Great Harwood as well as Brook Street, Spring Street and Mary Street in Rishton have been targeted.

It is thought the problem may be more wide-spread than is known because many people will not report the crimes.

Sgt Corbett added: "On each occasion the wing mirrors of cars have been either punched or kicked off causing between £50 and £200 of damage.

"It is a big problem."