Two ex-Territorial Army soldiers were jailed last week after pleading guilty to the abduction and sexual assault of two young Blackpool schoolgirls.

Lee Dickson, 26, and Andrew North, 24, both of Boundary Court, off Garstang Road West in the resort, were sentenced to 16 months in prison after admitting abducting and indecently assaulting the youngsters - then aged nine and 13 - during a hearing at Preston Crown Court on Friday.

The court heard how the pair - who served with the Territorial Army - abducted the girls after they made their way to their shared flat, forcing them to remain in their company overnight and carrying out acts of indecency including giving their young victims a number of 'lovebites'.

Passing sentence Judge Anthony Russell QC said: "These offences are so serious that only a sentence of imprisonment is appropriate.

"If I did not pass such a sentence, the public would regard the court as failing in its duty."