A DERELICT house that has attracted vandals for more than a decade has been bought by a property developer who has promised to clean it up.

Blackburn businessman Shabir Patel bought number 41 Whalley Road, Langho, for £224,000 yesterday at an auction at Manchester Airport.

The house, built in the 1930s, had been given a guide price of between £170,000 and £190,000 and attracted interest from a handful of keen bidders.

Mr Patel, 40, of Hedge Road, Blackburn, has pledged to clean up the property before he decides whether to restore it to its former glory, or demolish it for a new housing development.

The news will come as a relief to nearby residents who have complained about the derelict state of the property since it was abandoned in 1993.

The three-bedroom house was made subject to a compulsory purchase order by Ribble Valley Council this year after it emerged the loss of a will, made out by the last occupant, had stopped the house from being sold.

Mr Patel said: "I am aware of residents' concerns about the state of this property and, having been to see it, I agree it is in a complete mess.

"I intend to clean it up and then I will decide whether it is worth restoring, or to knock it down and start again.

"I can reassure people that whatever I do will be an improvement.

"This is a lovely area and it is a shame this house has been allowed to deteriorate."

Council records show the house has stood empty since occupant, widow Margaret Goodhill, died in June 1993.

When her son, Peter, couldn't find her most recent will, the property remained in her name and could not be sold.

However, he found a will in January 2003 and took possession of the house before the council applied for a compulsory purchase order.