A taxi driver sent to collect a fare ended up knifed by a woman passenger, a court heard.

Akhtar Hussain was horrified to see Michelle McGuinness pull out a 12-inch long knife. She made a stabbing motion towards his neck and his hand was cut as he tried to protect himself.

She went on to produce a second smaller knife. Fellow taxi drivers went to his aid and restrained the woman, having been alerted by a radio alert to the control centre.

McGuinness, 32, of Longshaw Street, Blackburn was given 12 months prison when she appeared at Preston Crown Court.

She had pleaded guilty to an offence of unlawful wounding and two offences of having a bladed article.

The violent incident took place one night in October last year, several weeks after McGuinness had been given a suspended jail sentence.

Mr Hussain went to collect her that night, the defendant saying she wanted to go to Darwen. When the driver recognised her as someone he had had difficulty with in an earlier incident, he asked for payment up front, said Simon Nichol, prosecuting.

The defendant told him: "I can't pay, I don't have any money." Mr Hussain refused to take her to Darwen, but agreed to her suggestion to be taken 400 yards around the corner to Bolton Road.

When he approached a junction, he went to turn left and saw McGuinness pull out a knife around 12 inches long.

Mr Nichol told the court "She held the knife in her left hand and made a stabbing motion towards the left side of his neck. He immediately stopped the taxi and held up both hands to stop it coming into contact with his neck.

"He felt a sharp pain just below the thumb of the left hand as the knife cut him."

He then had to use both hands to keep the knife away from his neck.

She let go of the knife but went on to produce a second one which was smaller.