DRUNKEN teenagers making their way home in Clitheroe amused themselves by going "car walking" a court was told.

Blackburn magistrates heard Kier James Slater caused £1,164 worth of damage to the bonnet and roof of a Renault Scenic in Farraday Avenue.

And the 18-year-old labourer admitted damaging two more cars during the wrecking spree.

Slater, of Henthorn Road, pleaded guilty to criminal damage and asked for two similar offences to be taken into consideration.

He was ordered to pay £500 compensation to the owner of the Scenic to cover the excess on her insurance policy and loss of no claims.

Shamaila Qureshi, pros-ecuting, said residents had been woken at about 12.20am by loud banging.

The owners of several cars found they had been damaged.

Mrs Qureshi said a juvenile had been charged with criminal damage and would appear before the youth court.