ON THE day that Holocaust denier David Irving was jailed for three years by an Austrian court, an interesting fax arrived.

Worryingly, it was addressed to me.

If you thought the so-called historian's blank refusal to even acknowledge the atrocities committed by Nazis was frightening, despite the overwhelming and I can't stress that enough overwhelming body of evidence, let me enlighten you about the fax.

It came from a right-wing activist. They claimed to "have it on good authority" that Tony Blair had entered into a secret pact with British Muslims.

Apparently, it said, if British Asians help Labour to win a fourth term at the next election, Labour will rename London, calling it "Muslim City" and give it to British Asians as a thank you gesture.

In return, Blair would be named Lord Mayor for life! What an honour it would be for him to follow in the footsteps of Ken Livingstone.

According to this rambling note, which looked like it had been written by a left handed three-year-old using their right hand, the city then formerly known as London will become the new Mecca, attracting Muslims from across the globe.

Now I'm not going to bang on about why this belief is utter, up in the clouds claptrap it's plain for all to see.

Which is why I can't believe anyone in their right mind would swallow this rubbish.

It's pretty much the biggest load of nonsense I've ever read.

At first I was tempted to laugh out loud that somebody was seriously pushing these insane beliefs.

But it's just as frightening as knowing Irving and his idiot followers are about.

The fact that there are people out there who actually think a benevolent Nazi government repatriated Jews in the 1930s and 1940s beggars belief. And the soldiers who stumbled across the horrific scenes at Belsen in 1944 might have something to say about this sort of myth.

What the mad ramblings sent to me show is that there are people out there who are so blinkered, misguided and ignorant that they would seriously entertain this fact: that their government wants to make the capital city, the centre of our economic power and our government, into a enclave cut off from the rest of Britain.

Last year the Government set up seven working groups to look at the issue of disaffected Asian youths living in Britain.

But when you bear in mind there are loonies knocking about who only stop howling at the moon long enough to issue ludicrous faxes revealing their blind bigotry, it might be an idea to set up a group looking into disaffected white/Christian communities too.