TORIES in Blackburn with Darwen have called for a management cull to ensure a zero per cent increase in council tax bills from April.

The borough's ruling Labour group has confirmed it intends to present a 3.6 per cent rise when the authority meets next Monday.

To achieve that rise around 1.4 per cent lower than Lancashire County Council's increase Labour councillors plan to make £9.094million in cuts.

That will mean higher car parking charges, increased leisure prices for things like football pitch hire and swimming classes, and cuts in grants to voluntary organisations.

But the opposition Tory group today challenged Labour to promise no increase at all by reducing the number of managers in the authority.

Coun Michael Lee, opposition spokesman for finance, said: "We currently have a chief executive and three executive directors, which we think is too many.

"We would create a chief executive with a deputy chief executive system, with all the directors of departments answering to them rather than the executive directors.

"There are other savings to be within staffing too.

"In 2001, we had 5,065 staff then 697 were moved to either Capita (the private company which provides many council services) or Twin Valley Homes, which left us with 4,368.

"We now have 4,600 staff even though we actually have fewer jobs being done in-house.

"We think the finance process should involve starting off with the presumption of no increase at all, then making each department explain why it needs money.

"It is the other way round at the moment, departments ask for money and the Labour councillors decide what people will stomach."

The increase proposed by the Labour group would see the average band D property council tax rise from £1,272,66 to £1,319.59.

Of that, £113.09 will go to the Lancashire Police Authority and £54.71 to the Fire Authority, both of which have set their precepts already. For band A properties, the category most of Blackburn's houses fall into, the increase will result in taxes going from £848.43 to £879.72.

Of that, £36.47 will go to the fire authority and £75.39 to Lancashire Police Authority. Coun John Milburn, executive member for resources, hit back at Lee, claiming: "The Tories are playing fantasy finance here.

"It's very easy to do when you're not in power."