ROSSENDALE is reaching for the stars after a check-up of council services revealed it is now making good progress.

An independent report, set to be published tomorrow, says political and officer leadership is much improved and public confidence in the council is improving.

The good news comes after the authority was ranked the worst council in the country in a disastrous 2003 Audit Commission Compre-hensive Performance Assessment (CPA).

During the inspection it was given a poor' rating the worst possible.

Under the assessment council's are now given stars, ranging from one (the worst) to four (the best).

The authority is now hoping to achieve at least a two' star rating.

However the report also highlights there is still much to do and says it's important staff and councillors remain focussed on ensuring that all services meet high standards.

Today, council leader Duncan Ruddick, welcomed the report and said: "I am very released by the results. Customer satisfaction has gone up to 60 per cent so it shows that we are travelling in the right direction.

"Customers recognise that things are improving and Rossendale Council is progressing well, although we are not complacent there is still some way to go.

"We are hoping this report will give us the label we are looking for. We have gone up spectacularly. With the organisational review we now have high quality senior management who have had a real impact and I would take this opportunity to pay personal tribute to Owen Williams who leaves us on Friday for his personal contribution and the improvements that have been made since his arrival.

"There was an enormous hill to climb and he's climbed that and dragged everybody else up with him."

Tom Keena, audit commission senior manager, said: "Rossendale Council has been through some tough times in recent years and following a Comprehensive Per-formance Assessment in 2003, it was categorised as a poor' council.

"It now has building blocks in place which will enable it to transform services for local people.

"The green shoots of recovery are now apparent and local people are beginning to see better services."

Copies of the report will be available from the council tomorrow.

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