I WAS horrified to read recent articles about the East Lancs hospitals and their problems with unhygienic conditions and the MRSA superbug.

I am sure Ms Jo Cubbon and her executive are doing all they can but maybe a tighter grip on the hospitals' cleaning agencies wouldn't go amiss.

As for the MRSA and VRE bugs, I hear that there is a new system developed by a British company called Bioquell which claims to eradicate bugs.

Several London hospitals have had successful trials. This system involves fumigating wards, leaving a coating on all surfaces which, it is claimed, kills the bugs.

The cost of this is said to be £100,000 per hospital per year.

There is sure to be a chorus of we haven't got the money,' but what price a life?

If it were possible to divert the £1million the trust has set aside for artwork there would be enough money for three year cover for each hospital.

EDDIE DUXBURY, Arthur Way, Blackburn.