WITH reference to the article about the rat problem in the Intack area of Blackburn, I live off Accrington Road and have had to get the rat catcher out to our house, as rats had moved in.

Several neighbours have seen rats and thanks to our diligent cat, we have received two dead rats in the last four days alone.

Looking at the state of the back streets around Intack it is hardly surprising we are riddled with vermin.

They are littered with rubbish, more so since we only have two-weekly collections, bin bags put out and not collected and general rubbish not picked up.

The encouragement of compost bins where food is put encourages rats. While it is good to recycle waste, we have to balance that against the health of residents.

When there are infestations, why doesn't the council tell us not to use compost bins until we have an all clear. Our council seems to bury its head and do nothing.

A simple inspection of the area would show the need for cleaners in the back streets. Or better still arrange weekly collections of rubbish while the infestation is going on with inspection of areas known to collect rubbish.

The council appears to be ineffective in this problem and the poor rat catchers seem to be fighting a losing battle.

LESLEY BIBBY, Bank Lane, Blackburn.