IN reply to the front page headline "Court threat over bins," (LET, Jan 28), I live on a street where the families who live on my street and the street across have their wheelie bins lined up in the back alley.

On collection day we take the bins to the ends of the alley to be emptied. My issue is not with the bin men, or Hyndburn Council, but with the neighbour(s) who regularly deposit their rubbish in my wheelie bin, often just hours after it has been emptied.

I am fed up with being saddled with my non-recyclable (yes, I use my blue bin, white and blue bags for all my recyclable items) waste.

Each fortnight I am left with the following options: situate my wheelie bin in my yard and do myself an injury dragging it up steps to the alley; take my rubbish to the local tip; lie in wait for the offending neighbour(s); chance a £1,000 fine by dumping my bin bags next to my bin which is full of someone else's rubbish which kindly' neighbour(s) have placed at the end of the alley ready for collection (funny, but they never bring it back).

I would welcome any offer of money from my neighbour(s) so I could cover my petrol costs on my visits to the tip and put some towards the valet my car inevitably needs.

No one has ever pleaded with me to take their rubbish and I very much doubt they will have offered extra money to the bin men, due to the fact they can use my bin for free.

Name and address supplied.