A PREGNANT woman was rescued from her burning house by firefighters.

Fire crews were called to the house in Richmond Street, Burnley, at 8.40am.

A man and a woman in their early 20s were led to safety down a ladder from an upstairs bedroom by firefighter Steve Morgan.

The family dog was also rescued and the couple were treated at the scene by paramedics before being taken to Burnley General Hospital after suffering smoke inhalation.

Fire bosses said the blaze had started when an electric fire set light to some clothing which spread to a nearby settee.

Station manager Dave Jackson said: "There was a small fire downstairs and the couple had to be led to safety down a ladder by one of our firefighters. They were treated at the scene by paramedics for the effects of breathing in smoke and taken to Burnley General Hospital for a check-up.

"The couple were very lucky as they were alerted to the fire by a smoke alarm which had been fitted by fire crews as part of an earlier fire safety check."