A WOMAN who attracted the attention of a police officer because she was struggling to park her car was found to be more than four times the legal drink drive limit, a court was told.

Blackburn magistrates heard that since the incident Nicola Claire Parker had made an appointment to visit the Priory Clinic to seek help with her alcohol problem.

Parker, 43, of St Deny's Croft, Clitheroe, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

She was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report and the magistrates imposed an immediate ban after hearing she gave a reading of 150 against the legal limit of 35.

Judith Balderson, prosecuting, said the officer approached Parker at 2.15pm on February 10 because she was having difficulty parking in a large space in Woone Lane.

"He immediately smelled intoxicants on her," said Miss Balderson.

Daniel King, defending, said the four words "one hundred and fifty' would cause concern.

"It is an extraordinary high reading for anyone at any time of the day, let alone the middle of the afternoon," said Mr King.

He said Parker had problems with depression following the birth of her son.

She had also been disappointed when, having worked her way to a senior position with a plc, she was passed over when a new chief executive took over.

"Looking back she can see that she used drink on those occasions to try and deal with the depressive episodes," said Mr King.

"She and her husband split in April and that has brought on the depressive symptoms and the alcohol abuse."