THERE have been many advances in medicine enabling doctors to treat all kinds of conditions for which there were previously no apparent cures.

And corporations have developed a wide variety of drugs to deal with mental health problems which would have meant sufferers having to spend years in institutions.

Today they are able to lead comparatively normal lives thanks to medication which keeps their symptoms under control.

But the power drugs means their use has to be monitored so they are not merely used as chemical coshes to knock out patients.

The big increase in prescriptions of drugs for youngsters with behavioural problems and today's comments of education experts are a cause for concern.

It is hard to grasp that almost three times as many children in East Lancashire are genuinely suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as four years ago and need drugs like ritalin.

And it is disturbing to hear of children being in "chemical handcuffs" and reduced to a "semi-comatose state" in the classroom.

Drugs must not be used as a substitute for a lack of proper parental discipline.