DEDICATED police patrols are set to return to Whitworth later this year when a drop-in cop shop opens its doors.

The brand new police base is under construction off Market Street as part of the new Civic Hall complex.

It will be a place where residents can pop in to report incidents and talk to officers or make appointments to see them about any issues that are of concern. It will also enable police to tackle crime and disorder in the area from a local base.

The Whitworth police base will be one of an increasing number of police points that have been opened up in the heart of communities right across Lancashire giving better access to policing services.

Chief Inspector Sarah Oldham of Rossendale Police said: "When Rossendale Borough Council and the Community Leisure Ass-ociation of Whitworth (CLAW) offered Lanc-ashire Constabulary the opportunity to set up a police base in the new Civic Hall and we jumped at the chance."

Community beat manager for the area, PC Diane Lincoln, added: "Having a police base within the new Civic Hall is really great news for the local people. They will be able to voice their concerns and discuss issues easily and directly."

Both Rossendale Borough Council and CLAW, the two key partners in the Civic Hall project, are full of enthusiasm for the new police base.

Frank Duffy, chair of CLAW, said: "The announcement of the police base is absolutely marvellous news.

"We've known for sometime that this was on the cards, and we've worked hard to ensure it happened."

Coun Duncan Ruddick, Rossendale Council leader, added: "This shows what can be achieved when the whole community gets behind a project.

"The hall will become a focal point for residents offering a combination of leisure and advisory services."

Costing £1.4 million, the new Civic Hall is on schedule to be completed by October 2006.

It will be the home of Whitworth Town Council and contains a function hall, play park and conference chamber along with a shop facility run by Rossendale Borough Council.

Once the Civic Hall is up and the Community Leisure Association of Whitworth will manage it on a day-to-day basis.