I WOULD like to make an appeal for blood donors. I used to think, like I'm sure, many other people, that blood was just needed after or during an operation or after a serious accident.

Since being diagnosed with a condition called myelofibrosis I find that I now need blood transfusions on a regular basis in order to spend a "normal" life as I did before.

The pathology and haematology department at Blackburn Royal Infirmary is an extremely busy department and many of the patients require blood on a regular basis.

All the doctors, staff and ancillary staff do an absolutely marvellous job and always have a smile even though they are non-stop busy.

Over the last 25 years I have given blood but I never envisaged that the roles would reverse and that I would be the recipient.

Please, please go and give some blood, it is so easy and apart from a pin prick, painless.

It takes 15-30 minutes and you even get a cup of tea /coffee and a biscuit afterwards in the company of other very nice people.

Go on, give it a go and feel really good for it afterwards.

(Name and address supplied).