MORECAMBE can look forward to real sand on the beaches in just over a year's time, it is claimed this week.

The seaside transform-ation will come with the completion of the final two phases of long-running coastal defence works in the resort.

The £13 million scheme will include protection of the Sandylands frontage as well as importing sand and cobbles to enhance coastal defences.

It will be funded by DEFRA and will take spending on the scheme started in 1990 to beyond £28 million.

Lancaster City Council's Cllr Janice Hanson says: "This is the culmination of nine years and hard work by engineers to bring this project to fruition after extended negotiations with English Nature to find habitats for marine life and birds.

"By the end of 2007 we should have sand on the beaches and one of my jobs in the near future will be to look at different types, grains and colours.

"It's great news, and with the work coinciding with the West End Masterplan regeneration, it couldn't happen at a better time for Morecambe."

West End locals have a say

MORECAMBE West End residents are being invited to have a look at options for the future and choose the one they want.

An information day on all matters West End at Sefton Road United Reformed Church next month will take votes from locals on the way forward for the area.

The Friends of Regent Park will be putting forward three options for improvement of the public open space.

It follows a campaign over the last year which has seen the Friends asking Park users how they want to see the park develop.

They now want feedback on the three options to ensure they meet people's needs.

Friends chairman Graham Buckley says: "We've tried to incorporate the views of the majority of those consulted. We'll be having a number of open days when local people and user groups will be able to suggest amendments."

The information day on Tuesday, February 7, from 10am to 7.30pm will also include latest details on the development of the West End Masterplan, plans for a new Neighbourhood Management group for the area and new coastal defence works planned for the Sandyland promenade.