A Preston man has told of the terrifying moment when the hot air balloon he was flying in hit live power cables and plunged to the ground.

Lee Phillips, was on a one hour trip in rural East Lancashire to celebrate his 30th birthday with partner, Ella Wardleworth, 24, when the balloon careered into cables and hit a wall about five miles outside of Blackburn. The incident happened on Sunday, at about 3pm.

"We thought we were going to die and we are lucky to get away with our lives," said Mr Phillips, a recruitment manager at Teaching Professionals Ltd, Sherwood Way, Preston. We were terrified, Ella was crying and screaming and there were sparks everywhere. All our clothes were burnt. It was like something out of a disaster movie."

Police confirmed their officers are helping the Civil Aviation Authority carry out an investigation into the incident.

The couple, who live together in Clayton-le-Woods, claim pilot, Derek Grimshaw, of Suzanna Hot Air Balloons Ltd, Golden Hill Lane, Leyland, did not see a set of cables which led to the incident.

Mr Phillips said: "He only realised at the last minute there were cables so he put a big blast of air into the balloon and we shot up.

"He then tried to land it, but we were coming in too fast and we hit the floor, the basket dug in and we were dragged for about 300 yards. Then we shot up again and then came down on the second set of cables and were suspended in mid air then they broke and we hit the wall." Mr Philips was treated for shock and bruising.

Miss Wardleworth, an employment development officer at Preston City Council, was treated for neck and spinal injuries at Blackburn Royal Infirmary and has been prescribed diazepam to cope with the trauma. The couple are considering legal action.

An 80-year-old Bury man, also travelling in the balloon, suffered a broken arm.

Mr Grimshaw said: "I can confirm it was my balloon but it is subject to an investigation so I am unable to comment."