MODERN shops, a new civic and leisure quarter, new offices, and the opening up of waterways are set to revolutionise Nelson.

The plans are part of a package of proposals announced today which would breathe new life into the town centre.

Award-winning architects Regeneris Building Design Partnership (BDP) have revealed draft proposals which will see swathes of the town transformed, as part of a multi-million pound masterplan to enable Nelson to compete with other towns.

And a leading councillor today called on residents to have their say when the plans go on show next week.

Coun Allan Buck, executive member for regeneration said: "It is vital that everyone who has a stake in Nelson looks at the masterplan and has their say.

"This will be the blueprint for Nelson's development for the next 20 years."

The masterplan contains three key projects which could see:

l Manchester Road and Leeds Road de-pedestrianised

l The introduction of a one-way system, and more on-street parking in the heart of the town centre

l Promotion of the Stanley Street/Carr Road area as an office location, and the renovation of Pendle Rise Shopping Centre.

Long-term goals are:

l The redevelopment of the modern, low-rise parade of shops along Manchester Road to significantly improve the appearance of a major gateway into the town

l Transformation of the Chapel Street area to create a new civic and leisure quarter for the town, building on the existing swimming pool and opening up access to Walverden Water.

The blueprint will complement other major schemes planned for the town, including the new bus and rail interchange, and the Grand Cinema development which will see a business centre, shops, and cafes centred around a piazza.

Shopperss and retailers will also be asked for their views on town centre parking, as well as how to emphasise the town's connection with Admiral Horatio Nelson.

Peter Tooher, director of BDP, whose previous work includes the redevelopment of Manchester following the 1996 IRA bomb, said people wanted clean, safe, modern town centres.

He added: "However, people also want something different, not just the national high street shops that you can find anywhere, but good quality, independent retailers in an interesting environment, offering a local flavour. This is how Nelson can compete.

"I see a lot of potential for the town, its fine historic buildings, the large number of independent retailers, and its accessibility from surrounding neighbourhoods.

"This plan is intended to build on the town's assets and re-create a centre to be proud of."

The masterplan will be on display in Pendle Rise Shopping Centre from Monday, for one week, and consultation events will be running each day from 10am.

The plans will also be on display at Nelson Library, the town hall, and Pendle Wavelengths until the end of the month.