I AM writing this letter in total disbelief and astonishment after reading (LET, November 9) that Blackburn with Darwen Council is to put parking charges in Blackburn town centre up by 28 per cent in the run-up to Christmas.

Over the past few years all that I have read and heard from our so-called caring council is, we are doing this, that and the other to attract people into our town and spend money to help the local economy, which in turn would help every council tax payer in our town.

So can someone please try and explain to me the logic behind the ludicrous decision to raise the parking fees, especially when it is forecast that there are going to be 18,000 fewer shoppers in our town, and that it would cost local traders £37million?

I hasten to mention that I am not a driver, but I do pay my council tax.

BARRY LANCASTER, Hamer Avenue, Intack, Blackburn.