I WAS shocked to see the front page (October 26) regarding the taxi driver who attacked a young male.

My first question has to be why the authorities decided this vicious attack only warranted a two-week suspension from driving his taxi?

I'm sorry, have I missed something?

A law-abiding fare-paying citizen was attacked while being ferried somewhere by a taxi driver and all the punishment given out was a two-week ban on taxi driving, not a driving ban I might add.

What sort of society do we live in when people can viciously attack innocent people and the law and authorities say this action only warrants a two-week taxi driving ban.

Only recently in the national press we have read for four days about the police officer verbally abusing Asian people and just look what sort of trouble he is now in.

The courts are talking about custodial sentences and being thrown out of the force.

So, is it me or does verbal abuse constitute a far greater offence as actually viciously attacking somebody?

T SAMMS, Lower Darwen.